Chapter 4: When a Road Block Appears, What Next?

I gathered my strength, leaned into my resiliency, and took a 100,000-foot view of the confluence of my talents, passions, and lived experiences to pinpoint where I should pour my energy.

My talents:
connecting the dots and getting things done

My passions:
believing that valuing our inherent gifts and unique lived experiences will catalyze individual growth AND collective evolution

My lived experience:
navigating life both helped and hindered by the varying headwinds and tailwinds (see previous 3 posts), years of coaching diverse individuals to maximize their efforts and grow into their human potential, decades of building a solidly inclusive and diverse community, an interdisciplinary BA in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and a Master's in Business Administration

Today I take what I have gained and pour myself into my coaching relationships and consulting roles to help passionate people, especially those marginalized by society in one or more ways, bring their projects to life. I believe we will all benefit from people earning a living from their passion projects.


Chapter 3: Life Seemed Fine Until it Didn’t